Unforgettable Moment in Research Week

Research Week UGM is an exposition which held once a year because it is one of some agendas to celebrate Dies Natalis University of Gadjah Mada. This exposition held to help the university student, shared their ability, discovery, unique side of their faculty and of course the product of their research. Research Week was started in 7th until 2nd December 2013. And the prime of this exposition was Innovation Expo, which held since 13th until 17th November 2013 in Graha Sabha Pramana University of Gadjah Mada. Although it just held in five day, but it was so booming in Yogyakarta and of course around UGM. Because in Innovation Expo, all of the faculty and association in UGM show off their unique side of them and their best research or sophisticated instrument. 
            My friend and I was there in 16th November. We were so interest with all of the stand in it and of course we looking for FMIPA’s stand first. In FMIPA’s stand, there were some instrument which used by MIPA’s student to practice. The most interesting instrument was X Ray, it is look so sophisticated. The stand keeper said it is one of the instrument of Physic specialy ‘Fisika Citra’. And then, after asked  some  question my friend and I went to the other stand.
Then the stand of physic engineering catched our eyes with their instrument sunshine panel. And there were some instrument which used Physic law to make it proceed. It was so awesome, I felt like help the engineering physic made that instrument because I as an pure physic student always looking for the derivative of some law, and the engineering physic just used it. Then we went to Faculty of Culture-logy’s stand. In this stand we tried to used some clothes which from Germany, Korea, and Japan. It made me felt so happy and joyful, because it was the first time I use some kind of clothes like that. Beside that I was a fans of a lot of Korean drama especially about the empire. And I took some picture which act like queen in Korea.

Then my friend and I went to some stand around like Faculty of law, pharmacy, biology, politic, livestock and the last the stand of association of Science and Engineering. In this stand I had tried to drive an electrical car which called Arjuna, this car was so easy to drive because we just need to hit the gas and brake. And of course my experience in that time made me feel joyful and great so that was unforgettable moment.


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